Game Stats
Audit multiplier: 10
This is multipled to your evidence and then subtracted from your funds when you are audited.
Audit threshold: 1000
The maximum amount of evidence you can have before you are audited and fined. When you are audited you lose funds and your evidence is set back to 0.
Card cost multiplier: 1
Multiplies the cost to play a card.
Card pack price multiplier: 1.5
When you buy a pack of cards the next pack price is multiplied by this amount.
Card productivity: %100
A multiplier applied to all values in all card's active ability. This also affects your employees passive funds generation.
Card spaces: 0
The maximum number of unique cards you can play.
Card stack size: 0
The maximum number of times you can stack the same card in play.
Cards per pack: 8
How many cards you recieve when you buy a pack of cards
Energy Production: 1
Base amount of energy produced per tick.
Insurance bonus: %200
When a card trades loot for funds it can potentially have the recieved funds multiplied by this insurance bonus. Hover over values on cards to see what multipliers might be used.
Max Energy: 100
Maximum amount of energy that can be stored.
Max Offline Time:
The maximum amount of time that you can get offline progress
Sales bonus: %100
When a card trades loot for funds it can potentially have the recieved funds multiplied by this sales bonus. Hover over values on cards to see what multipliers might be used.
Tick rate: 1000
Time between ticks. The lower this goes, the faster the game runs.
Total barbarians cards in play: 0
Total bureaucrats cards in play: 0
Total cards in play: 0
Total equipment cards in play: 0
Total rooms cards in play: 0